"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for December 2012

Between reality and words, a shadow often falls.

Narrowing and erasing the rift between truth and descriptive flurries, between assumptions and realities, is a noble pursuit with benefits for every man, woman & child in the world.

Refute and refuse the false.
Confirm and congratulate truth and courage.

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Moving fast or moving slowly – neither are good or bad.

Choosing one from the other for different times, contrast, for appropriate purposes – is a good idea.

The variety or contrast alone, will improve health and thinking.

Simplicity and beauty in progress.

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Whether leaves rustle in between the trunks of ancient and strong trees, we see a sign of young or tender ones living in harmony with the tough, the old.

Ignore. And enjoy the sun!

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Seen from close up, there are stars brighter than “the sun”.

What brightness, brilliance, may be hidden elsewhere?

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Many things, actions, events, are funny – even those which need to be taken seriously.
Imagine seeing things from above…as if looking at yourself and the world contained within a dolls house.

It can really help you shrink problems down to pea-size and to gain new perspectives, freeing your mind to provide you with creative steps and ideas.

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