"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for January 2024

Snow on the trees, smoke on the water.

Subscribe or wriggle.

A watered down test of happy trouble.

A love of discovery.

The work of defining uses.

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Dawn came late, or the bus did.

One or the other, we cannot tell which.

And we are completely sober.

We drank water.

We ate beetroot.

We find work getting along just fine.

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Is it a running man or a map of the lake?

Should we stay in a small hotel by the knee or a lodge by the foot?

Vary the days by looking the other way.

Get the meaning.

Shoes need cleaning.

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Just a bit too hot.

Yet the wind feels icy if you let it get in.

Temperature seems to control all feelings some days.

Other days feelings make you chill, boil or simmer.

Familiarity and comfort are addictive commanders of stasis.

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Do the right thing.

You know.

Grey walls are bad judges.

Brightness lifts the level of all things.

Listen in on yourself and only you.

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