"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for January 2014

When it seems like the rain will never stop, it does.

When the sun shines and you can see new flowers where there were none, you can smile.

When the answer to something fantastically good you start to build is “no”, after calm and sustained effort the answer becomes “yes”.

Providing you aim for something great that is beyond the norm.

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If I decided not to write anything for this day’s “reply”, that would be all right.

But there is a great advantage in trying every day to create something.

Some days that may be something good, and I hope from time to time, a splendid thing.

Today it is just what I have written here!

Do well.

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The wolf has many disguises.

Without this concept many fairy tales, nursery rhymes and songs would make no sense.

What story can you tell today that will soothe the furrowed brow of a colleague, friend or love?

Wolves have to eat as well.

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Spray enough perfume on a rotting landscape and it will look better.

The smell? Oh, forget about it.

The idea?

Think about it!

Beautiful concepts can come from uncomfortable blends of disparate elements.

Go! Start mixing!

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When a small child, I did not like spaghetti.

I do now.

When you were a small child I bet there was something you did not like, which you do like now.

Change is normal.

Change is good – of course it can be tough, hard to adapt, but always, it is there when you don’t expect it.

It is always surprising when the rain stops after a downpour. Unless you count the drops.

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