"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for February 2014

Some days see less progress than others.

The next day can be so much better than the last.

But look for the one, even tiny , thing you did. Just imagine multiplying that small success. Even if only by two.

Two things or perhaps more….tomorrow!

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It is a splendid thing to acknowledge and congratulate people when they offer a service which truly pleases you.

Good coffee? Well laid out hotel room?
Considerate extra provided before you ask?

Doing this encourages them and even prompts others to up their game!

Better is good.

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Marketing a beautiful view.
That’s what many countries do.
The view is what appeals to many a traveller.

What can you see from where you are now and what will you be able to see during the day, wherever you may be?

There is often so much we don’t look at. A lot of that is a treat to come.

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Make it all better.

Take a sip of sweet life wherever you are.

Now tell me a story…

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Ruby on Rails is a computer programming framework – what a fine name!

Economics, is said to be the “dismal science” . Some say it is not a science at all.

Jupiter is an interesting planet.

There are so many books worth reading.

It’s all appealing.

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