"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for August 2015

The cubes were lined up on stage.

Why had we come to see this play?

We knew all the actors, we knew the director and we were familiar with the play.

But in fact this production was so new in approach, that it it really ended up being a new play.

Something that had been a sort of combination of Shakespeare, Greek mythology and avant garde abstract word association, had been produced as a cautionary children’s story set to music.

Musical chairs with a different beat.

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You think of something wonderful.

The flower floating in a bowl full of candles.

The board of food displayed like a roman emperor’s cloak.

The cute cucumber shapes representing the signs of the zodiac.

You can let your mind float just below imaginary clouds and half an hour later still find the right door, the one that leads to the engineering floor of the rocket company.

It’s wonderful.

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Reasonable people.

Don’t be one of them.

Be a marvelous person. Be great, good and kind. Be generous sweet and fine. Be love.

Reasonable is not a great place to be. It is the worst of pragmatic mushiness.

So you unreasonable saint, where are you going today?

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Photos of me, photos of me and you, photos of all of us.

Shared moments in a frying pan of sauteed experience.

Coloring time and making music rhyme.

The joy of balance and silent laughter, meeting the noise of giggling ecstasy.

Thank you for letting me be myself.


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Lipstick and lemons – both have you licking your lips.

Smell the glove, feel the softness of a sheepskin slipper, treat yourself to the best.

There is a gentle way of breaking news. And, happy announcements can be – should be – fed gently, slowly letting a favorable wave cover the low water mark.

Celebrate all those things that seem like a turning point, a glittering marker of momentous progress.

The celebration of one thing leads to the next. Celebrations spawn celebrations!

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