"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for October 2015

Taming a spear of asparagus is not beneficial in normal terms.

Yet, you could become known as the Asparagus Tamer.

Specialization deserves a bit of laughter and fun.

If everybody had letters after their name, we would probably ask what the letters meant every time we met someone for the first time.

A reviewer of hotels could be Frank Trotter, FROHS – Fellow of the Reviewers of Hotels Society.

Is this any less valid than what exists now!?

Yours, TPWWTST – The Person Who Writes These Strange things.

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Before the moment of arrival it all seems good.
And, it is.

Just that sometimes changing pace from the rhythm and breathlessness of the journey, to a more suitable resting of our eyes on one object and lingering upon it, and then another, and giving that some time and attention, this can take an unexpected adjustment. Arriving means changing.

As a tea ceremony must take its slow time, yet doing that with full involvement and attention after dancing to rhythmic funky music – it’s seemingly hard.

I will dance at many different paces for different times and places.

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They smiled when they shook your hand.

The ladies kissed cheeks, both of them, so lightly. no-one knew.

The cats curled up on bookcases, divans and side counters.

The cars were being brought round to the front awaiting their proud owners, who pretended not to consider their pedigree machines which were worth more than most houses, as anything more valuable than an automatically opening umbrella.

Down the road licensed witches cast spells which would change the course of the world.

And those with the biggest smiles lived to be a hundred years old.

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The columns supported an assortment of chocolates.

The fruit grew on command.

Three chairs were piled sky high.

It was early morning and the sun was setting the tables for lunch.

Where was that?

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“On a positive note…”.

When we hear this, it usually comes after a summary of faults and disappointments.

You and I can stay on our own positive note, that plane of forward motion and sparkling inspiration, even while we weave through the Film Noir moments of dim pause, rain pouring out of broken gutters and dubious guys sneaking into seedy dives.

There’s always comedy! Just maybe…perhaps….yes, that’s it…there it is.

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