"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2015

Did you look longingly, yet perceptively?

Being aware of the filters, emotion, nostalgia and familiarity – among others, which can sway thinking into muddy waters rather than crystal clear aquamarine clarity, is a good aim.

Uninfluenced perception does not exist.

Aware and considered reflection can be achieved.

Think, look, listen.

Learn, interpret and be wise.

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Defining the easy way. Avoiding the complicated. Specifying simplicity.

As the sun rises, so the curtains groan in complaint.

But the windows are open and the fresh air rejuvenating.

Breathe in and move.

Good morning to the new arrivals.

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I’m not telling you my name.

I’m not telling you what I do.

I’m not telling you how I take my coffee.

I’m not telling you what I normally drink.

Just listen, without asking questions.

Those questions are only seeking predicted answers.

Sometimes you really can open the window and see the view.

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Staircases, tickets and signs.

Twisting escapades of streets.

Swirling vapors and hot soups.

Words sometimes force strictures that don’t exist for any good reason.

Learning is not pain.

Fun does not need to be silly.

Exalted experiences within fluid realities.

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Dizzy with excitement, yet full of stable energy, we climbed the staircase to the roof terrace.

A sizzling summer view expanded beyond, forever.

Glinting and undulating with heat in the sunlight, rooftops became hills and lakes became playgrounds of platinum.

All possibilities became more possible.

The tune of expectation became reality.

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