"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for January 2016

Hope you are feeling better.

It’s wonderful to express true and good wishes.

The willingness to help and expend energy to create a beneficial situation is evident in tone of voice.

A melody is heard, a poem created.

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Here, there and everywhere. 

Signs and symbols. 

A row of thumbs defines the high rating this establishment has earned.

You can design your own measure and measure your own designs.

Nothing has to happen.

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If the mountains meet the sea, does the sea meet the mountains?

Oceans of thoughts.

Big ideas, bold predictions and delicious savoury snacks. 

Vegetables and fruit may protect you, but bubble gum sticks to your shoe.

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There it is again.

Two trains pull into the station at the same time. Which one to take?

You see I’m treating myself to a day trip looking out of the window of a moving train, followed by a visit to a gallery, a coffee shop and the mayor of whichever town I go to. 

What is there again is the choice. 

Which views do I want, where has the best coffee gone and who is the mayor most deserving of half an hour with me – those are the easy questions. 

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Seeds were offered with guarantees that they would grow into the precise colour of  flower chosen.

Generally the predictions of horticulturalists were correct.

But when the weather seemed bad there were few who believed flowers would grow at all.

Patience. That’s what they needed. In the spring, flowers of colours never seen before brightened everybody’s lives.

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