"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for February 2016

Waiting for the people to come out and show me.

They were inside, a room I’d never entered, and I was waiting.

After a long clock-ticking time, the first of them appeared, holding their robes as if they were all they possessed.

A woman, another, a man and then a small child. 

Robes are as old as the hills or as new as the tailor can make them.

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Dead in the water. Living the high life. Floating on vapor.

Well, apologies for the low start and high end.

Thought you said you wanted the bad news first.

That’s nonsense. There is good information, facts you need and intelligent opinion.

Inspired fantasies may yet earn their place. Let us hope so.

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Sharing the glory and the nectar.

There were three things to consider when trying out the different dishes. 




They had all been considered carefully by the caterer.

The guests ate well and they were all smiling.

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There are two ways the day could have started, both were good.

The cat had scratched at the front door as usual. The dog had fetched his biscuits from the cupboard.

And there was a brand new pathway which looked like a squiggle, winding its way up from the track to the entrance.

Sam was walking towards the house. 

A person of great merriment.

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The swan knows the person she will meet on the river.

In graceful certainty.

It may seem that those most poised and composed are aware of little that goes on around them.

Not so. 

Such composure is the result of being aware of everything in the local scene.

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