"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for June 2016

The clothes were worn with style and assertiveness.

In fact, the Fashion Games were a major competition in which only the winners were ever allowed to go shopping again.

Clothes designers were given free housing in what were commonly known as Fashion Houses. 

To win was to appear and land on a runway, like a well piloted bird.

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Happy Birthday!

Thank you.

You are so very welcome.

Joy, love and smiles.

All possible.

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There were two ways of looking at things.

That is, until there were three. 

The steps taken moved things forward, as is usually the way unless walking backwards, causing delight and joy. 

The new things were quite simply, and beneficially, the best of the long-known blended with the flash and insight of discovery.

So wise, cowgirl. 

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Stars swim with big fish and dry with small towels.

The choice of costume, the road towards the bright light, the peas served with a delicate sauce – they remembered all of these.

They rode horses of golden hue and tough yet nimble demeanour. 

The Wild West was calm and some said, serene.

Same thing.

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Under the bell rising

Sent by friends to find the one true thing, they explored the forests and further.

Nobody found the blue bear. Not one bear in fact.

What they found was more astounding and much more valuable to the world.

They discovered the next wave.

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