"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for December 2016

There were twenty lines of people waiting.

Nobody knew what they were waiting for.

When asked what was about to happen or what they expected, they all shrugged and said “you have to wait”.

A a sleepy, slow cat moved comparatively quickly. Anything was fast compared to those waiting.

It was tempting to provide something – a reason – for them to wait for. 

Then we realized.

It is so easy when the realization comes to you!

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Shouting from the rooftops seemed a strange way to start the day.

The first things people said in the morning made a difference to the people of the town and later, when carried as messages to neighbouring areas, created a wave of interest and understanding.

Of course, not everybody agreed. There was endless discussion and after that, a pro and con chart was posted in the town squares across the land.

Decisions affecting everyone became fun, the source of laughter and contribution.

It’s easy.

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Upside down as it was, the river flowed and the honey encouraged smiles.

In reverse the tune sometimes can be recognized.

Doors are not always the easiest way to gain access.

If particles will allow, then joining a club becomes easy, just walk in and you and it are one entity.

Manage the light things well and learn to juggle. I will.

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It was just too much for them.

Absolutely, we must ignore the moderation of our shrillest voices.

Sing louder, walk faster, dance wilder, be not quiet amigo.

So low below the beat we row and still the boat is slow.

Take that for a walk at lunchtime.

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Between the office of Approving Motions The People Commit To Daily and the best of inspiringly run companies, there does not just fall a shadow, there is a canyon, gulf and great divide. 

You can be proud of doing anything that provides any result.

And you my friend, are therefore, lucky.

Oh lucky lady, oh lucky man. 

You chose!

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