"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for March 2017

Two chairs and two cares.

When we sat down to talk, we were smiling and ready to receive, create, resolve and solve.

The light was purple along a hazy horizon.

Art sprang from trees like spaghetti from a pasta chef.

We met for the first time ten years before this moment.

So friends were made, and friends we were and still are.

Pasta and art are a good mix. Add your own.

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Three posted notices above glass panels. 

We could see through it all.

They lived in glass houses.

We would watch the same movies they watched, the same TV shows and video games. 

The lack of sound didn’t bother us, we made it up. We became aces at character voices. 

That’s how we became famous. 

So no, we never threw stones.

And all of us grew to love large windows.

We found curtains, drapes and blinds most distasteful!

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Did we dance or sit on the edge of the river wall?

The bridge sagged under our weight, so it seemed…perhaps we were swaying, perhaps it was the bridge suspended as it was. 

Dining twice and growing rice. 

We sewed seams and removed beams.

Lock the door and take the tour. 

These days we can be pleased.

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Work. Work. Work. And smiling into the wind. 

Funny how a day makes  things seem different, that’s better – usually – if you row the right way.

A blip? A minor hiccup? A major wall of refusal? 

Knock out the noise, dismantle the rock face you need to climb.

And, make up a joke. Funny or not, just the attempt will clear the slate and open up the magic land ahead. 

So says the sage and onion stuffing.


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Driving down the Spiral as it was called by local people, they saw the smoke rising from the barbecue.

Vegetables were being grilled, and some other items which vegetarians have asked us not to mention were also taking on the colour of the tarmac road, that led out into the desert. 

Water skiing was popular in the town fountain, the pool around it was an illusory size-warp. To me it seemed to be two steps across, yet it accommodated three speedboats and several water skiers, and provided long stretches of open water.

An amusement park had appeared like a mirage. 

Where were we, and where next would we be!?

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