"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2020

Upright. A beacon of solidity and reliability.

Half the minutes consumed were devoted to watching paint dry. It has to be said that nobody noticed any change during the evening.

In the morning everyone felt refreshed and also invigorated in a way none could explain except to say they had never experienced anything like it.

New projects were mooted, accepted and ranked according to the density of diamond-like beads sewn onto the end of every proposal.

The attendance figures at the local cinema were boosted to the highest levels seen since the festival of shadows and fables.

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Dwindling and growing at the same time.

A cloud crept across the ceiling revealing an old chandelier.

Strange sounds and a blue vapor accompanied the feint aroma of coffee.

A cake appeared on the table. A big cake which filled the space twelve people could be seated around.

We wonder whether we should change our travel agent.

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Somewhere there’s a place for them, for us, for me, for you.

It’s the same place.

There is only one place.

We should all be there.

I’ll send you directions if you want.

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Starting and stopping, they had succeeded!

From the first day none had known how to start or how to stop, anything.

Now with this new knowledge things would be different.

Fewer cliffs would be a danger and more tasks would get done.

So simple.

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Now is the time of day to think straight.

Crooked was good, curved was fine and so was the straight line.

We’ve come up with an improvement – Quantum Cooking with Quantum Cuisine.

All dishes are served at once. There is a menu, but it exists just so that you know the many dishes that make up the one,

When you leave a QuantumFry (TM) restaurant – or order from one – you will feel you’ve had 30, 50 or more courses.

Heavy? No you’ll feel as light as a feather. Quantum. Remember?

Feeding the world can become a reality sooner than anyone expected, by the way.

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