"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for April 2022


Brows and together.

Two boats, one mind and a salt cellar.

We chose wine and then got to work with the aged wooden planks using them to make what will be.

A house, a cotton gin and a smile was all it took to get us started.

Ah, but the finish. We enjoyed the process too much to wish for completion.

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We choose to say yes or no but try to avoid the fuzzyness of maybe.

And yesterday when the soup was hot, the ice cream melting and the floors polished, we met with key executives from the magic dream business.

They loved us, we loved them.

We all agreed – on something, we can’t remember what but we’re sure it was good.

The word “good” was used once every fifty other words, so that confirms it.

Good. Or better.

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We were all one day younger a day ago.

What is sour tastes closer to lemon than to honey.

What is sweet tastes more like nectar than bitter medicine.

There is a way to configure a music system so that it sounds wonderful.

You can drive on expressways/motorways/freeways for ever without seeing anything.

You can walk in the strangest places and see everything.

That’s quite enough for today!

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Leaning over the railings alongside the bridge, the balcony and the concert hall.

How far do you dare lean, how far should you and is it wise?

We dare not summarize this crucial aspect of life in just a few words.

So instead we put on music and just suggest – Let It Roll.

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The cold breeze felt good.

Cheating a bit, because we knew there was a warm fireplace back at home and home was only ten minutes from anywhere we’d reach on this walk.

We met a squirrel which followed us even though we did not climb a tree.

The bears were forbearing and left us to our own devices. They thought we were unlikely to rifle through trash cans left out for collection – those were theirs!

The driveways were so long we couldn’t see many of the houses. When we could, we were surprised by how tiny they were.

The sun witheld its full charms and just flickered softly.

And we were so right, the roaring fire dwelling at the heart of the marble fireplace replaced any chill feelings.

Then, we chilled, as they say.

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