"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for July 2016

Magic in the air. Spare a dime. 

Two people saw the event and remembered it ten years later.

The baker had rushed out to a child and mother with a cake, a present for that special day.

People gathered spontaneously, a hundred or more. Strangely there was a slice of cake for everyone – the cake never reduced in size as each person was served.

Now there it was, there were no limits. 

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Red and violet were in vogue.

Fashion was an onion with sugar.

But the stock markets were influenced by how well food was cooked.

Medium rare, and the markets bobbed along in the same range.

Seered steak caused a rocketing rise. 

Vegetarians were considered sages.

Stability could always be returned to with a spoonful of yoghurt.

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In between every slice of banana were three segments of tangerine and one blueberry.

If I had one watermelon and two bananas, how many tangerines would I need to provide 23 blueberries?

Can this be calculated from the information given?

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Surreptitious savoring and the Knights of knowledge.

Despite all the good stuff there was more to imbibe, absorb, learn and apply. 

More good stuff, but better.

Better save the better letters for testing times and the best of times for all times.

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Two tickets to anywhere.

Something you need ?

Something you want to do?

What do you say to the person who wants to know where?

Take the dice and cast.

You are all welcome.

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