"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for July 2016

Up inside the cylinder of the rocket was the King Suite.

Only those who had reached the rank of Captain could stay in the King Suite,  if no voyagers were qualified the suite remained empty.

After millennia the Garton Hotel Company built bigger rockets with Emperor suites. Each of these had a private garden and sauna. 

There is good reason to venture into space.

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Between the chocolate cake and the carrot duped by desire, there falls a moment of reflection.

Desire is the desert of haute cuisine. 

Fields are ploughed by thought and fallow with high ambitions.

Mix ‘n match.

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I walk to the tune of a distant flautist.

OK. Not what we usually hear.

Today’s music comes from Jamaica, tomorrow’s from Vanuatu.

Once in a while, your treat and enjoyment should come from listening to something entirely new. Not your usual musical tipple.

It’ll put a spark in the motor.

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Eating peaches with maple syrup is expected when you are invited into the local homes.

The grapes grew thick and plump and juicy.

Everything was always ripe.

A perfect place to safely relax with a bowl of local fruit. 

The excitement was relaxation.

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There was a woman who said she knew the way to bring back laughter.

When people learned to smile they enjoyed their own laughter and told stories that amused.

Some learned the high road to jest and mention of the secret subjects.

To be revealing was the game.

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