"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for January 2017

Sending postcards was a hobby, a way of keeping romance, relationships and real friendships alive.

Some people collected those cards and they are often found lining the trays of those stalls selling old books by the side of Europe’s rivers in major cities.

DVD’s are available everywhere, old ones. Old prized collections cleared out to make space for something more useful. And DVD’s were only around for a decade or two.

It would be strange if every new delivery method for music, movies and books had shorter lifespans than the one before. Eventually, things would last for a few days, or even less.

Time flies.

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In shaping the pear, they put down tools and used their minds.

Two were in favor, one against.

Reptilian responses rendered results rather riskily.

Happy and true.

There is always time to avoid the zoo.

A scent of jasmine charmed the appetite.


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Disappearing into the forest in a flash.

They hid behind sunglasses, curtains or blinds.

Nobody minded what they did, they could all see through the veils of privacy.

All kindness and good grace.

Donuts at dawn.

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Take the inside lane and be outside.

The race starts.

In the lead is the skinny dope kid.

Several have been here before, most are new, and many never returned.

Fortunately, the whole thing is safe yet daring, reliable yet surprising.

Challenging games.

It never rains.

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Sliding rings.

Tumbling down the gentle slope in the soft, fluffy snow, he saw her skiing up and down the moguls like swordfish in brief moments above the water.

Hot soup, tasty ice cream, and walnuts were served at lunch to boost energy.

While this happened a rocket carried tourists to Alpha Gamma Globula on their summer holidays.

Controlling influences looked down from above and the wind picked up.

The channels of sense broadcast topics and temptations and energizing songs.

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