"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for February 2017

On lying down with a book, a notepad, a pile of magazines I normally do not get to read, and time created to spare.

What new revelations, neatnesses, messy & unformed thoughts could flow.

Oh – they do!

It is such an essential potion and cure for things that do not yet need it.

A mild and minor variation on a theme.

A wave of new peaks and comfortable troughs.

Visions for the future, seeded.

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“Poor you!” They said.

What did they mean?

Terms of endearment and affection.

But we really have to invent new, better phrases!

Let’s start again.

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Rough road, smooth tarmac, fine landing.

The ocean tamed the tiger.

The mountains cooled our swollen feet.

Highways and byways of imagined treetops.

A silver lining.

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There were said to be only 1900 people who could count from one to a million without making an error, in a single sitting.

Josh played violin and the girls played guitar and oboe.

Sensory perception.

Your observation skills will now improve to a higher level than you have known.

Listen here.

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We are gathered here today to examine disparate disparities and the laws of civil discourse.

Who said it was going to be easy?

“Easy” never gives you that great feeling of passing the finishing post when you succeed. 

We are here to find the really tricky, physically massive or mind-bogglingly hard tasks and goals.

Or, buy an ice cream and give it to a stranger, with instructions to eat it slowly.

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