"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for March 2018

Doubling the national debt.

Doubling the width of your bed.

A double hot chocolate.

Double the number of wheels on your car.

Double the distance walked this morning.

Doubling down, doubling up, doubling under.

One by one.

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It just works!

If you are smiling, but did not think about it.

If you offer a wonderful story, but never decided to tell one.

If you are a potential friend always, but can say the firm no that may be needed.

If you take command, but also follow every request just as you agreed to.

Then, you will be able to say a good day really was had by all.

For you.

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The temperamental tango.

It was another agreement by name, but not by honor and spirit.

They said yes, they would move on, but the moment the uniform was out of view they set their emotional tent pegs further into the ground.

But, then out of the blue-green swamp, came…an idea.


Sheer delight.



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We are laughing.

Across deserts and swollen rivers, mountains and harsh green forests, we met few people.

Each one told their story.

We all have stories.

None of us know who they are for.

So we listen.

We saw and hammer.

We soothe and suggest when we can.

Let me introduce you.

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The visitors came to us in books, films, stage plays, fire-side stories and chance conversations with people cleaning our houses, conveniences, offices and cafeterias.

Oh, what we would have missed, without these random moments of elucidation and discovery, learning and thought expansion!

Take the next train wherever it is going, it could be the right one.

What awaits in those new moments exposing ideas that might be as old as ancient hills…..but new to us.


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