"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for September 2018

Saying so. Making new. Do.

Along the interstellar thread there will be endlessness.

This new state of being will be the answer to all unanswered questions, almost all in fact, and though sounds a bit concerning it will be perfect, almost perfect in fact, for everyone,

What are we waiting for!?

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They could not have been nicer.

There more opportunities to feel this was the case, the luckier, the better, the more reward you get.

But it’s nothing you need to rely on when you buy product X instead of Y.

And then, when you think about, realize it, really, it’s up to you and your fertile creative pasture ground.

Bio/organic/natural anyone!?!?

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I said no places offering a wide range of hand made furniture and lava sculptures exist.

In a village with a population of one hundred and twenty-three this is not surprising.

What is surprising, is that everything else is available. If you ask, they will direct you to one of the only two streets, a particular shop, and there it is.

Just in case you needed this valuable knowledge.

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Sending smoke signals with a shopping bag.

The moose, the goose and the loose sluice, joined forces.

Advertising became most appealing, soothing, edifying.

Now let’s get to the point. What’s in it for you is everything you choose, providing it’s difficult to find.

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There were crowds, not of people, of shimmering patterns and reflections of mountains illuminated by borrowed leftover daylight.

Skies crossed heavenly ceilings, and shapes described everything discovered, and everything that will be.

A world of new senses and ancient whispers tied to a boat dock of friends.

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