"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for November 2018

A jolt.

Awakened by surprising daylight and tunes of time.

The traffic was thin, the tree trunks thick, the signs obscure.

We are moving like blurred lights sealed in vinegar.

Some say some things, others think they have answers.

We know you know!

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Certainly appreciated.

Dry pack, moist forest, electric cartoons.

The movies of endless youth merged with layers of well-designed wisdom.

When we laughed we understood.

Things, moments, quick-witted words, glances and unspoken mutual decisions were obvious, flowingly realized.

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Dream and syrup with citrus music.

Nothing on the screen left any doubt, but it meant nothing.

Fireworks, shapes and lights.

A message for your dossier.

A summary for your plans.

All ad hoc and improvised.

Return to sublime softness.

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We have to. Well, no. But we Will.

That’s the way to take action.

Engage the cogs, those gears will take us through.

Come together.

You have my support.

Words and deeds.

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There were two ways to crumble the cookie, the river or the steepest of mountain paths.

They gave me a stiff drink, patted me hard on the back and mentioned victory.

The ice had melted, but the steely glances suggested either they did not respect me or all strangers were suspect.

Two days later we were the best of friends.

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