"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for March 2019

The supply management and international greeting companies are keen to sponsor me.

I would imagine this is obvious as the guru of Tasks-Of-Delight.

Who knows what I know, who knows what you know?

We are in debt to someone, and it feels good as it spells another opportunity to create great value with excellent results.

Just wait while I put the finishing touches on another abstract still life.

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Buckets. For everything.

And, let’s not forget loud music.

Trinkets and carrots dangled in front of beasts of burden.

But no more, now they are free and have a good home.

We are ready to start solving the errors and faults in general human behavior.

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Flowing from the chute and ringing with metallic joy, the gold coins flowed ceaselessly.

We grabbed as many as we could, pockets filled with these heavy discs, and walked sludging home to show our aunt and uncle.

They talked about dreams coming true and how much our futures were now better, paved with gold.

We went out into the street and played, as at every opportunity, with the other kids.

Soon we would be called in to do homework and then later on to eat macaroni pie.

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The romantic notion was that big banks are like big bruises – they get all the attention.

Falling off a bicycle when learning to ride, stepping on your partner’s toes when learning to dance, all happen.

But letting go of your counterpart on the trapeze high above the crowd is hard to take so lightly.

Write a note on a small piece of paper with an affectionate message to your loved one or whoever may find it, a fine thing to do. You never know when there might be unexpected snow delays in the middle of the hot season.

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We shared a pizza, we shared everything and it all shared us.

We are feeling swell, fine, splendid, bubbly, super and strong.

The vote was taken, but we had no idea what for.

All this as we were walking out the door.

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