"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for May 2020

Too early for breakfast, too late for chapter two in the dream trilogy.

We were dreaming of a hover surfboard we had invented and were hover-surfing up the side of the Rocky Mountains having just returned from Mont Blanc.

We were also treasuring the Olympic gold medal after managing the world record for continual hovering.

Now, it’s time to write music, inscribe a novel into a new type of impenetrable plastic, and to throw bright red pots.

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‘Twixt the story told by a slightly rotten apple and the bright sunny truth is the fall.

The cliff is always there. We should stand back from the edge. But always know there is an edge!

Skating is best done on smooth ground at sea level.

Ice cream is best kept in the freezer.

Let it defrost, just a bit, before eating!

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I received a basket of samples. Chocolate screwdrivers, glace keyboards and illustrated gloves.

Such a neat thought, such a thing, we smile and feel warm from the brandy.

Puffing on a historic and it has to be said imaginary cigar, we opened a spreadsheet on history.

We’ll write the future freehand, in ink, letting the smudges or blots add to our highly accurate predictions.

Perhaps you should send in your questions now.

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Soft and folded, just like pleats but combined with quantum crease-free technology.

Yes, your clothes don’t crease. Squinge them into a ball, let go, and they open into straight-from-the-tailor smoothness.

And, there are better or should we say more valuable uses of this technology.

Radically cheaper and simultaneously higher quality devices that never go wrong, get stuck, or run out of battery.

Cooking ovens that never burn food but deliver it at exactly the right state and temperature.

Medical procedures that take a tenth of the time, at a twentieth of the cost and from which recovery is nearly instant.

And we could list many more.

Oh brave new world!

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Favored flavor this week is the red coat with white platinum zips.

We are gathered here today to match coat with shoes and shoes with bag.

A few words now from the admirer, the sales clerk, and the driver waiting outside.

No tribute too great, no compliment too big, no slathering-limbering-up to get favors, too slippery.

This world has many dimensions when measured through a prism.

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