"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for July 2020

Develop yourself.

What an instruction! But history shows relying on national leaders is foolish and if you look at evidence you will find getting as far away from them as possible may be the best idea.

Meanwhile you can enjoy a joke, a comedy performance or chewing on a crisp carrot. That’s more like it!

Now, speak to a friend.

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Backlogged and waiting for you.

So many things, feelings and desires.

You are the specialist they are waiting for and yet you don’t think you studied for it.

Turn left the next time you see a glint of sky and ocean, mountain and star-filled sky.

Then, there it is, sitting on a pink rock holding a red rose.

So the magic, quantum and romantic meet at a focal point not far away.

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Sizzling waters in waves of greeting and salute, friendly and inviting.

We did swim one time, then again once more.

These cool-looking tepid waters were soothing and seemed to absorb the particles of concern we had.

Apart from that, several people said our swimsuit was fantastic!

A happy memory.

Now, where next?

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Imagine you will live alone in a cabin in the middle of a forest clearing.

There are mountains but also flat meadow and lush growing areas, ideal for food crops and vegetables.

From the mountains spring rivers, fishing is easy and enjoyable.

Water is pure, firewood easy to come by.

Build yourself a shower, a way of cooking and then, you can probably just live! At least for a while. Oh, and the climate is mild with a couple of really warm months and the rare mild snowfall that lasts a few days and seems like a winter treat.

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Driving the message with empathy.

After hydrogen fuel cells, solar and of course, lithium super-ion batteries, there is a super-cell which includes power storage.


More power, more results, more good.


Better believe it.

Try it…it’s almost free.

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