"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for November 2020

We decided not to turn the world into the wrong side of town.

In fact we’re eliminating that category by making the whole town a land of good and of plenty.

How easy it is.

A decision leads the horse.

A destination decides the course.

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Some people think I’m Superman.

Perhaps it’s because I lift my car into tight parking spaces and cary shopping carts in one hand in the supermarket.

Or perhaps it’s because I can see through lies and also see the shining decency of true and honest folk.

I am selective.

Glad to meet the others.

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We tried three times, still there was no answer.

It was well known that Sally and Joe took a dip in the lake beside their house which they called a “pond”, every day before breakfast. But this was eleven o’clock. Plenty of time for them to be in their terry towel robes, sipping espresso coffee and crunching their way through nutty cereal with almond milk.

Still no answer.

The solution was obvious.

So we landed, the helicopter causing a sort of cappuccino effect on the lake, and ran shouting greetings, into the summer house.

Nobody in sight, not a sound, not a single espresso cup.

What was going on?

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Singing in the winter garden in the summer.

Eating sweet with sour, salty with neutral and fruity with nutty.

Talking of nutty. Or not.

We have a collection of old labels, matchbooks and trinkets of past bad habits.

That’s what we think now. In retrospect. Oh, how easy. But worth a lot or a little….we wonder.

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Say it well and with the feeling you have in reserve.

Who’s the reserve?

A pirate or loafer.

Each day of this will pass.

Haven’t all the others….and better most splendid sunrises have foretold amazing days?

So it goes.

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