"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for August 2021

Bouncing yet secure.

Travel and sightseeing was never better.

Overland, by foot, by sitting perch and by sense of direction.

Didn’t have to go far…just downstairs and there you are.




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Twice applauded, many times lauded.

We have the tricks and temerity to fix the world around us. A few yards around us that is.

But we don’t want to crush the nicely growing tomatoes.

The path leads from here to there.

They came to see us again.

A kettle is boiling.

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Just create a currency and then why not create a nation?

It’s easy.

If you try.

Just might do this…we could do with a custom-designed nation.

Perhaps best to buy an island first. Easier to contain the new science-based dream culture.

And, bind in cheerfulness as a cost of citizenship.

Donate if you wish..and you “should”!

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Octopus or swordfish, that is the question.

We were given a choice.

A menu the length of two arms, a battalion and a snooker table.

If we chose wrong we would be fired…or fired at,we weren’t sure.

Dismissal would have been easier, we could resign but then there’d be nowhere to hide.

Nowhere to run to.

We’ll take over the whole joint, that’s what we boldly decided.

Now, everyone has to answer to us and answer our questions – correctly – or else.

What a weird dream!

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Let’s get together for a system update.

What is it or why?

Are we living optimally – which can mean as quietly and calmly or as noisily and wildly as possible?

Is there a better version?

Sounds good.

But not too often!

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