"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for September 2021

We had the talk.

Afterwards we went for a long walk. The trees swayed as if listening to what we had learned from each other.

We both felt stronger, bolder and most importantly, funnier.

No jokes were needed for us to laugh.

The jokes were all around us.

Living in this world.

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Driftwood and wrapping paper.

A suspicion of kindness and command.

Every shelf has a name, or would have if the contents piled upon them could speak.

No security, no leak, just a match made above the mountain’s peak.

Gliding across the grains of sand.

A bucket of crystal clear water in hand.

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Don’t be silly.

So they said.

I knew that my ideas were possible, perhaps not probable, but world-improving-saving-and-wonderful.

They still are.

Some exist as today’s reality, others are still on their way to appear near you!

There’s a lot to do, each day more gets done.

It all has my renewed attention.

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Enabled by yoghurt.

Slowed by a rather fine red wine suitable for aubergine-meat dishes.

An Olympic spirit sent by your own personal valet god.

Mechanical-celestial seasoning and salt water reasoning.

Lost is not the word, found is the goal.

Reaching boiling point while remaining cool.

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Enthralled and engaged, she said yes, and started an empire.

Yes is one of the most dramatically effective words.

Everything that gets mentioned, which you remember as one of your finer moments, started with Yes.

We can include a package deal here.

No, is good too, as it allows the floating debris to be moved out of the way in favor of the yes, valuable contributions.

And so it is.

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