"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for January 2019

“Soon it’ll be time, but you are saucy”.

At bit forward, cheeky, audacious…those I could accept. But what sauce are we talking about, perhaps hollandaise or “Ladi-Limoni”?

While this was going on, for a split second in the history of evolution, we were calculating the odds of sneaking unnoticed into the auditorium to see the greatest rock band of all time.

In the end it was all a matter of running very fast.

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This then, is the beginning.

It was a moderately warm day, just as expected for May.

The tulips were blooming purple prayers of peace and logic.

Twins were meeting again.

Life on the river seemed good.

We started to read Mark Twain.

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Don’t take the shrimp to the opera baby.

Yes! That is what they told me.

It was like a scene out of Terminator meets Total recall with a Bill Murray overtone. (My apologies Bill!).

Strangely formed creatures said hello, bankers wore sequined t-shirts with spiraling hairdos and cluster-diamond rings.

We travel to see, be, depart and feel free.

Ok..perhaps you don’t share the trend… that’s, almost, OK.

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It was not a Greek God but a servant of one, who came carrying the gift.

We had a chat, a cup of tea, a croissant, and then talked about his relatives.

They were all very well, wealthy, friendly, and happy to offer hospitality it seems.

I think I will accept the invitation to go and stay in one of their chalets in Aspen or Telluride.

Choices and preferences.

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Decided to roll.

Not with the punches, but the smiling high-fives of approval and salute, congratulation and appreciation.

A far more enjoyable methodology, it turned out.

Signals can be received easily, it’s the discrete charm of selecting and valuing them that makes for value.

Join us in the salute that reaches, the toast that teaches.

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