"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for January 2019

Clearing the alleyway was hard, but it led to being able to breathe fresh air and to relax with a glass of fresh lemonade.

To be fair, we had help, not only our team but also their team, everybody lent full support.

We were cheered on, bodily carried above the crowd and asked for our stories, and how we felt about it all.

There were smiling dignitaries. They told us we were the princes and princesses, we had thought they were!

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We won the poll and we won the roll.

Oversold but just in time, we all loped along under a biscuit-candy sun.

The group, the crowd and me, became “we”.

Together, primed and buoyant, we sauntered down to the lake of fires.

Cool and refreshed. Tasty by consuming life-long similarities and warm differences. Triumph folks, sheer success!

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Along the corridor a rippling white light ruffled the edge of the floorboards where they met the wall.

It was all so uneven, not even the doors hang straight, the drapes were caught on odd spikes in the walls.

The grand hall was obscured by clouds of cigar smoke and the salon had tables crowded with open but almost full bottles.

Three people dressed each in white, blue and green smiled at the ceiling as if viewing a celestial being.

We felt it best to leave. The car had arrived.

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Longevity, grapes and blackberries.

No biotech lecture.

No health briefing.

A letter arrived and announced from far away and long ago (when letters were still in circulation), the discovery of quadroneuromaticintelligence, soon to be known as QNMI – sadly no easier to remember.

If they knew about it then, what is new today?

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Sent by deed and double-drawing of suitable suitors.

Washed in bromide solution exposing history and hijinks, the stormy warnings and the colorful rains were pretty to see. Even, dazzling.

The sweet tooth, the alpaca moon and the drizzling gold threads.

The healing doves and cake mix would prove invaluable.

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