"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for June 2013

Bright and vibrant colours awake positivity, strength and happiness.

Try a bright colourful cushion on the sofa.

Wear a brilliant and colorful scarf.

Can (ditch) the grey and brown jackets.

Buy a RogerEllman.com painting for your wall.

However you do it – add colour to your life!

Add life to your life!

Enjoy the results.

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Something doesn’t seem quite right?

See that! It could be done better.

Could you do that?
Start a trend?
Put things on the mend?

There is always better – in everything, everywhere and in so many ways.

You will be surprised by how much you can find a method for improvement, a tweak, a change and even a totally new approach.

Nothing is stopping you.

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Can a day be wasted?

Can there be no result from the hours it comprises?

It may seem so at first.

If you take time at the end of that fallow day, or the following day, to assess what happened and what you have learned or choose to change as a result.

Well…there’s the benefit.

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Making ideas, tasks and explanations simpler is worthwhile hard work.

The reward is rapid adoption by and the clear understanding of your audience.

Once you have done this it will always remain as a feather in your cap!

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When you talk with someone face to face, you can see things which confirm or detract from wishing to pursue a relationship. True in business, work or social settings. You see some things, you feel others.

When you communicate with someone by email for the first time, these signals are rarely conveyed but when they are they are often weak and inconclusive

If an in-person meeting is not appropriate, you can increase the weak “signal strength” with a phone call.

Next step is a video call.

If in any doubt – you really should!

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